
Van de Kuytenbergh

Schotse Herdershond Korthaar kennel



My name is Joke Ackermans, I live in Berg en Terblijt a small village in the south of the Netherlands.

We situates in the hillie landschape of south Limburg, at a hill called Kuijtenberg, That's were my kennelname van de Kuytenbergh comes from. togther with the dogs, I have made a lot af beautifull memories up here, and hope to make a lot more in the future!

Nina wtih her Mother and half sister..


Light em up van Linda's hoeve, Turella's harmonia en Pearly Princes van Linda's hoeve.


At the championship show of Dutch colie club in 2014


All tree they recieved 1 exclent in theire class.

Half sister Light em up van Linda´s Hoeve became best Bitch. And Mother Turella´s Harmonia got the reserve best bitch!